Hannah montana season 2 episode 30 torrent
Hannah montana season 2 episode 30 torrent

hannah montana season 2 episode 30 torrent

But once they released the courses for these races, I mean, they just had way more climbing than I expected. I thought I was going to do, maybe run CIM, maybe try to get an Olympic Trials Marathon qualifier. IRunFar: How or why did that switch up to the 80k? IRunFar: So, at that time you had mentioned aiming for the 40k race here at the Trail World Championships. So that took three weeks on its own to get rid of, so that made the choice easy to take July off. But yeah, my right calf was just ballooned up after the race. I think I had a minor, I don’t know if it was minor, just a calf strain. IRunFar: That’s got to take something out of you.

hannah montana season 2 episode 30 torrent

IRunFar: It was also your first 100-mile race and your longest race by quite a … So yeah, a lot of August was tough building up again, but yeah. I think what happened was I took five weeks off and like, you take five weeks off and you don’t feel good starting up again. Peterman: I was eager to train again, but honestly, I didn’t feel that good starting up again. IRunFar: Did you come out of that feeling really refreshed and eager to train again? Yeah, it was a good thing to do, I think. I mean I was biking and hiking and did a few backpacking trips, but it was pretty unstructured training for me, and it was good. Yeah, I think I said I’d take the whole month of July off and I pretty much did, off of running. Well, going back in time a little bit, at the Western States 100 after you won there, you said you’re going to take some downtime. It was good to get a full night of sleep and now explore the city and part of the course. IRunFar: Oh, it’s a wonderful day here in Thailand. How are you, Adam?Īdam Peterman: Hey, doing well. IRunFar: Bryon Powell of iRunFar here with Adam Peterman before the 2022 Trail World Championships.  Adam Peterman Pre-2022 Trail World Championships 80k Interview Transcript

Hannah montana season 2 episode 30 torrent